"The Home As God Would Have It."
Schedule of Services
Sunday, October 4, 10:45 am
Sunday, October 4, 10:45 am
"Bible Authority for the Home"
By Neal Chism, Minister, Atkins Church of Christ
Sunday, October 4, 7:00 pm
Sunday, October 4, 7:00 pm
"The Role of Husbands in the Home"
By Bruce Grice, Minister, Westside Church of Christ
Monday, October 5, 7:00 pm
Monday, October 5, 7:00 pm
"Wives and Mothers in the Home"
By Richard Kirkland, Minister, Fifth and Greenwich Church of Christ
Tuesday, October 6, 7:00 pm
"Parental Responsibility"
By Micah Williams, Minister, Dover Church of Christ
Wednesday, October 7, 7:00 pm
Wednesday, October 7, 7:00 pm
"Threats to the Home"
By Robert Hearne, Minister, Bells Chapel Church of Christ
Thursday, October 8, 7:00 pm
Thursday, October 8, 7:00 pm
"Home - Where it is Safe"
By Dan Lightfoot, Minister, Westside Church of Christ
We extend a special invitaton to everyone to come and be with us.
We extend a special invitaton to everyone to come and be with us.